I dont know whether its just me that attracts 16 year old psychopathic kids that :-
1. can't spell, "ite" is not a way of greeting someone!
2.wont leave me alone and are convinced that i want to listen to them tell me either there plans to either become a professional player (ion in hand) and never have to work again. With his business studies GSCE as going to open a shop and make loadsa money
3. As opposed to using the Newbies, Tech area on this forum persist to ask endless questions about equipment or ask whether i can lend/give gear.
Im usually Newbie friendly and don't mind helping them out or giving them advice but they seem to be getting more persistant and even cheekier
But ive got about 4 or 5 of them that badger me pretty much everytime i log in..... (thanks **** for the little button that says block on it
Is this a general problem or is it just me?
Yours truly
Resident Ogre