I may have some detents knocking around, most likely just a few slung in the spares box...Do you happen to have any ego7 detents or qev seal?
That's the only thing I really need or can afford now lol
I only had one, and it is SOLD, just waiting for the funds to clear.are the events mask ( empire ) cases still avalible if yes how much
Make me an offer feller, and yeah, I'll clean it before sending out or meeting up; as promised with all kitWhite Camo '07 Eclipse Cerberus kitbag
How much mate? are you going to clean it
Yeah, still have the Gauntlets, they're XL; as with everything else, make me an offeralrite fish il pm you on our forums but have you still got the eclipse guantlets?
and if so what you after for them?
leeds uni