I did a similar thing to my Vents Avatar tinted lens, the instructions don't warn you against this
I dried mine out in the airing cupboard and ended up with dried in water marks in between the lense which I found really anoying, however some people would probabibly be happy wearing them like this. Point in case here, the thermal lens do not have an air/water tight seal they only help prevent air/water getting in. On my Vents thermal lens it has a rubbery/foam seal between the two lens, and this seal is permiable to air/water, hence water leaking in the first place. They are not pressure sealed .
Never fear if the water marks are really bad you can fix it. I was able to fix mine. It was fiddley and you risk ending up with a non-thermal lens (no big deal they are £15 anyway). I used a scaple to cut the inner lens away from the rubber seal keeping as close to inner lense as possible. I then cleaned the inside of both thermal lenses with with a damp cloth and let them dry. Checking that there are no smears etc I re-attached the inner lens to the outer lens with 'plastic safe' glue. Hey presto fixed thermal lens
Before I get flamed, yes they still work pefectly as thermal lens, they have not steamed up over the last few months and that is playing in the wet/cold U.K.
Hope this helps you out.