Cartman: So now, the inevitable question: if terrorists didn't cause 9/11, who did? (begins to use his fingers to show the numbers as he says them) Remember that there are in fact two towers. Two minus one is one; one one - 11; two minus one is one; one one, and there are nine members on Silverstein's board of directors. That's nine-one-one. Nine-eleven. And take 2 - 1 + 9/11 and you get 12, which leads us all to the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. (click. Kyle now appears superimposed on the 9/11 picture already onscreen) Kyle!
Kyle: Me??
Cartman: Twelve contains the numbers one and two, just like the toilet yesterday where somebody went number two instead of number one! And one and two with 911 and you get 914! Drop the 4 and it's 91! Exactly the score Kyle got on his spelling test twelve days after 9/11! Who has the most to gain from 9/11?! Kyle! Who was nowhere to be found the morning the towers fell?! Kyle! Who dropped the deuce in the urinal?! Kyle! But probably the most damning of all is the evidence seen in this photo of Tower 2! (clicks, and another shot of the Twin Towers is shown) When I zoomed in I saw what first appeared to be a blur, (zooms in on the picture, which just becomes pixilated) but when I computer-enhanced it, (the pixilation disappears as the picture sharpens - it's a drawing of an evil Kyle with a large, sharp knife in his right hand) You almost got away with it, you sneaky butt hole.