I seem to remember a story that Nicky T in his cocker days used to turn the eyes off which capped the gun at 12bps, so he'd have a longer sustained barrage of fire off the break and that he thought playing at 12bps made no difference what so ever?why don,t a couple of teams get together and try a few games at the suggested lower bps.then come and tell everybody there findings, wether they found it better or worse ,before we all make our minds up if we like it or not before any of use have tried it at 12 bps and 10 bps
airsoft is allowed full auto and they are replicas of the real thing so it shudnt be that much of a beef convertin paintball to full auto 12 bpsstill illegal in the uk in any shape or form according to a copper mate of mine.
however a PSP type 3 shot burst would be interesting. I say drop the kick in rate as well, teams are doing it anyway, and what difference does it really make??
I think it will be a positive move, and bring the focus back to a players ability.