Just to enlighten you Lumpster, what Planet are good at is making after market parts for other peoples guns, so good that they won god knows how many awards for it. Got to a stage that they had redesigned almost every part of the autococker and then worked out a snazzy electronic trigger, so they put all the bits together and release thier own version of the cocker. Only after various incarnations of this nexus, DC etc, did the move to the next level and release something that they could call their ownstick to what your good at keep making the ego your on to a winner
stick to what your good at keep making the ego your on to a winner
so would you all start shooting a shocker if it had PE down the side ?
Yes but its all about moving forward isn't it ???
Angel have stuck to what they are good at but compared to 4 years ago there popularity isn't what it was is it ???
So its like saying to cadburys don't bother bringing anything else out cause the dairy milk is cool.
and is it like saying a dm8 is the same as a shocker because they are both spooles ?