so i still dunt know how to check the actual output of my pmi bottle. would it be printed on the side or do i need to buy some kinda gauge to do this? im still looking into getting an a1 but im unsure about buying if i have to change my air system out :S
its simple to check the output all you need is a on /off bottom line and a 0-1000psi gauge.With the gauge on the output port of the asa just engage your bottle and it will tell you the output.
We have had no problems running A1s with air systems from 450psi - 800psi but some do creep which can cause problems.
If you are unsure then any tech should have the gauge made up and will test it for you.
We have sold the CP front adaptors since they came out and we retail them at 19.50 inc postage.
If you are are unsure of anything then drop us a line on or
all the best