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Apr 22, 2007
your 15 ? you should be down the park getting pissed on cheap cider, not worrying about how many weights or supplements you should be taking :D
Ow yes i remember them days down the park behind the swings drinking white lightning lol


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2004
rochester, UK

OK harsh statement but just think about the question that you've asked?

How exactly is building yourself up to the size of mike tyson going to help your paintball?
It won't!
Your increased body mass is just going to be a bigger target for others to shoot, then when your joints fail in your early 30's you'll wonder why you bothered?

If you want to tone up then go for a walk......no really!
A 30 minute fast walk will be equivilent to 3 hours weight training and you won't end up looking like a freak.
Go cycling, cook$ is right that riding a bike (even on a trainer) is a really good exercise for burning fat and building muscle without impacting on your body like running does
the best form of exercise that you can do is swimming, it's low impact and is high fat burning while toning your body superbly.
click below for proof
sharon davies.jpg


but if you really can't eat a balanced diet and you have to resort to chemicals then read this


green zone fighter
Nov 8, 2006
am in the army

orite telow am in the army so do a fair bit of fitness i'm 5'9" and 10 stone 2 pounds so about the same build so will be able to give you some good tips
Stay away from creatine and any other weight gainers
these are intended for serious building and unless you do 12+ hours in the gym a week you'll just get fat because they are designed to make you put on weight to turn into muscle and have seen the effects first hand if you get it wrong not good
all you want to do is some weights (nothing ott) to tone combined with running ps running on a treadmill is s**t get out on the road will get about twice the benefit out of it
when doing upper body free weights etc isolate specific muscle groups build size and tone but for strength and size i reccommend press ups, pull ups, sit ups etc and using your body as a resistance weight this will tone you up without building to huge size and inevitably being a bigger target

for paintball related fitness to help you out
  • before you undertake any of this i reccomend you stop dieting your a good size from the sound of it and it dosn't sound like you need to and also because to work at 100% the body needs energy and you don't get it from salads you get it from pasta, potatoes, rice, meat, and other stodgy foods but take on fruit and veg also for vitamins
  • get a 400m track/route do 100% best effort sprint have 20 second rest and go again and again repeat this so you do it 5 times then do 200m 100% best effort 5 times and then finish off with 5x100m sprints best effort again always trying to beat your previous time
  • this increases stamina and sprint ability which will help you play game after game 100%
  • note this will feel like your dying lol always remember pain is weakness leaving the body and fitness is all in the head and being able to push through the pain barrier and keep going
  • 6 mile runs are also good for cardio vascular fitness but if you don't want to jump straight onto this then any run over half an hour will benefit you and you'll be able to tell the difference.
  • on how regular you do this i reccomend
  • mon-sprints as described
  • tue-rest
  • wed-distance run
  • thur-upper body (weights)
  • fri- distance run
  • sat-upper body (weights)
  • sun-rest
i hope this all helps you any other tips you want feel free to pm me

Rich ECI

London ECI.
Nov 10, 2006
How exactly is building yourself up to the size of mike tyson going to help your paintball?
It takes years to increase dramatically in size, trust me, unless your on anabolics or other steroid related drugs, and Mike Tyson rarely used weights when he was younger, not sure if he does now... :p

Rich ECI

London ECI.
Nov 10, 2006
orite telow am in the army so do a fair bit of fitness i'm 5'9" and 10 stone 2 pounds so about the same build so will be able to give you some good tips
Stay away from creatine and any other weight gainers
these are intended for serious building and unless you do 12+ hours in the gym a week you'll just get fat because they are designed to make you put on weight to turn into muscle and have seen the effects first hand if you get it wrong not good
all you want to do is some weights (nothing ott) to tone combined with running ps running on a treadmill is s**t get out on the road will get about twice the benefit out of it
when doing upper body free weights etc isolate specific muscle groups build size and tone but for strength and size i reccommend press ups, pull ups, sit ups etc and using your body as a resistance weight this will tone you up without building to huge size and inevitably being a bigger target

Oh and your body craves protein when you exercise, eat lots of meat, turkeys the best ;)
for paintball related fitness to help you out
  • before you undertake any of this i reccomend you stop dieting your a good size from the sound of it and it dosn't sound like you need to and also because to work at 100% the body needs energy and you don't get it from salads you get it from pasta, potatoes, rice, meat, and other stodgy foods but take on fruit and veg also for vitamins
  • get a 400m track/route do 100% best effort sprint have 20 second rest and go again and again repeat this so you do it 5 times then do 200m 100% best effort 5 times and then finish off with 5x100m sprints best effort again always trying to beat your previous time
  • this increases stamina and sprint ability which will help you play game after game 100%
  • note this will feel like your dying lol always remember pain is weakness leaving the body and fitness is all in the head and being able to push through the pain barrier and keep going
  • 6 mile runs are also good for cardio vascular fitness but if you don't want to jump straight onto this then any run over half an hour will benefit you and you'll be able to tell the difference.
  • on how regular you do this i reccomend
  • mon-sprints as described
  • tue-rest
  • wed-distance run
  • thur-upper body (weights)
  • fri- distance run
  • sat-upper body (weights)
  • sun-rest
i hope this all helps you any other tips you want feel free to pm me

first of all 12+ hours of weights in the gym a week is not good for you muscles, you need to let them heal or you just damage them then they decrease in size not increase and you wont get fat from taking things like creatine, yes it increases your fluid intake, but i very much doubt you will get fat.

you might need to be a bit more specific when you say, sat-upper body (weights) too, i mean, theres 4 main areas on the upper body, back, shoulders, chest and arms. you can do literaly hundreds of exercises for each of these but you need to work on the same areas at the same time, for example you could do back one day, and your triceps with it. reason for this is you use your bicep for exercising your back, so it wouldn't be too good to do bicep aswell as you have already used it, but not your tricep so you could give them a good workout on the same day.

same with shoulders and bicep or chest and bicep, opposite muscles. bla bla bla i cant be bothered to type anymore