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My New Tattoo

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Mr Fantastico
May 20, 2006
Stealing Al's PC parts
Mr.Longbeard said:
DW, your skin man so what you want with it, not my style but hey I've got a No Fear design for my left calf

Personally I would suggest finding a better artist before having any more tat's done as they're are a few wonky lines in there (maybe re-touchable :confused: ) :)

doesnt look overly re-touchable, would need a total re outline, then the black that is wonky would need re-doing with red, and i dont know how well the red would go over the existing black.


Feb 20, 2006
becuase its a word everybody says in everyday conversation and ive grew to accept that, but its a little OTT in the manner he used it ....
Ive change it a little for you:)

You write like a KID. People have even been posting your drivel on the 'Gorgeous quotes' page, so they can better make fun of them with thier friends.
Does this bother you or were you hoping to give the perception that you are in fact, a KID, suffering from advanced retardation?
I mean, its gone beyond the usual, and even the unusual. You may even be a 'special case' even among the literally challenged on here. Your posts actually hurt my eyes, and when I lower my intellect in order to understand them I can feel my brain cells turning to mush and a strange urge to vomit.

If you want to stand any chance of being respected for your opinions, get a spell checker or something. If you are actually dyslexic then you surely have used a spell-check before, because Dyslexics learn to do this early-on.
Just to be clear, being dyslexic and being a retard are not the same thing. Its not just a nice/acceptable way of saying it. If you write like a KID, then people will think you're a KID. Its sad but true.
But does that offend every kid here or for those who has kids:confused:


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
becuase its a word everybody says in everyday conversation and ive grew to accept that, but its a little OTT in the manner he used it ....
I thought it was the lowest of the low?
if someone called me a retard I would laugh, as its ridiculous.
If someone called me a nxxxer my brother Tyrone would shoot them in the face, without hesitation, as that is in fact, the lowest of the low.
Fact is, retard is a regularly used word in the US or the UK that does not cause great offence in the context I used it.

You felt the need to stick up for 'retard kid', and thats fine. You called me a 'faggot', which I let go seeing as its a ridiculous thing to say, and now you say you are used to the 'r' word and its an everyday thing that you live with?

What are you?

ps. Its 'grown', as in "I've grown to accept it", ya retard.
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