why? do you need a back up marker? has yours ever broken so bad that on the day you cant use it? if the turn around on games so fast that you cant replace whats broken? if you get an etek it wont die on you. The mini is just as reliable and is really easy to use. Just get one and spend the money on training. Or if you think its a waste of time spending your money on training, spend the money on buying a brain cell to keep your other one company. Simple answer try both see how they feel. But if you want my prefernece get an etek. our team shoots them and we havent had one go down with a prob worse than say an oring.Cheers guys, im going to keep the etek and buy a mini aswell when i get the money.
Yeah i have had moments where ive had to play a game with no gun, for example i had a bouncing trigger one tourney. Im not going to get one staight away because i cant afford to play aswell then. Im just putting like £25 a week away etc. but when you say train every weekend, its pretty hard for me because the rest of the team cant afford to play that often but yeah i get the jif. Thanks,why? do you need a back up marker? has yours ever broken so bad that on the day you cant use it? if the turn around on games so fast that you cant replace whats broken? if you get an etek it wont die on you. The mini is just as reliable and is really easy to use. Just get one and spend the money on training. Or if you think its a waste of time spending your money on training, spend the money on buying a brain cell to keep your other one company. Simple answer try both see how they feel. But if you want my prefernece get an etek. our team shoots them and we havent had one go down with a prob worse than say an oring.
p.s if you can afford to buy a mini and train every sunday then go for it. But just think do you have more probs with your hopper and air bottle than your gun..? so which should you buy a back up off