I reffed it on Sunday and have to say it looked like an absolute blast.
The display system in the pits looked pretty shaweet. Great to have the air right there too.
I reckon the 8 minute games were just about right, can't really extend that time otherwise the games wouldn't be finished until late. The marshalls didn't have a lunch break as it was and everything ran very efficiently all day long.
An extra monitor facing the field so the refs can keep an eye on the score and time limit too would probably help so we know when there's less than 60 seconds to play, and therefore know when to enforce the the rule where a 1-4-1 throws the game for a team and stops the clock.
The 2 min break is perfect imo, it ecourages efficient team work in the pit and there were only a couple instances where people didn't make the start gate by the 10 second call, and even then it was very close.
Cranking up the sound of the buzzers would be beneficial for everyone, particularly refs on the far side of the field. I don't know if there's a way to electrically hook up some air horns which could easily be heard?
Changing the buzzers buttons to large ones that can be activated by slamming them with your full hand as opposed to ones with buttons that you really need to press with a finger would be a big improvement. Like these:
All in all, it looked great and I think it ran pretty smooth. The next one should be even better.