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UK Masters CPL Lite - 2nd September - Lincoln


May 15, 2006
Central London
from the horses mouth each team will play 4 other teams so minimum 20 games maximum 36 matches :D
i thought it was first to 5 points, or the most points at the end of 8mins play time??? in which case, if you happened to sit behind your gun for 1 8min game or so, then there would be a min of 4games at a stupidly extreme case :confused:

but yeah for spectators, 36 matches to watch :)

guessing we have 5 fields on the go to incorporate this :confused: although it takes enough time to walk from field 1 or 5, back to the main marquee... 2min turn-around will be tight unless we're having individual staging areas by the fields?

pleeeease mrs wendy, fill us all in :D i know you have a big game on at the site this weekend, so if you don't post on here in the next day or so, ill ring up for all the nitty gritty details :)


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
na i think its only one field ! ? like you said mate needs to be ironed out but wendy and we really need to know what the crack is before the weekend


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
but yeah for spectators, 36 matches to watch :)

guessing we have 5 fields on the go to incorporate this :confused:
umm mr fish i think your maths is out a bit as wendy explained to me last week its 2 lots of 5 teams ever one playes 4 matches at a max of 9points per match ( first to 5 points or 8mins )

so thats a total of 20 matches and a max total of 180 points :eek: but i highly doubt it will come to that :p

and its only 1 field :rolleyes:


Baller without a willy ;)
Feb 17, 2006
umm mr fish i think your maths is out a bit as wendy explained to me last week its 2 lots of 5 teams ever one playes 4 matches at a max of 9points per match ( first to 5 points or 8mins )

so thats a total of 20 matches and a max total of 180 points :eek: but i highly doubt it will come to that :p

and its only 1 field :rolleyes:

:eek: we better have 2 fields then 'cause if it goes to 180 on one field and there's normally about 70 games per field (I think?) in a normal 5 man, we'll be there till Monday! lol


$outh $ide
Sep 24, 2005
Probably Licking AL France...
Visit site
maye be we missed this bit first to five OR 8 mins ? so is it 8 mins of play per team we play ? so we could only play one point if it oes to 8 mins :eek:
Yes, thats it mate.

8 mins isnt a very long game time, I would be extremely surprised if any match runs to 5-4 or anything like that. More likely to finish 2-1 and stuff I reckon.

Even to win 5 points you would have to go out really hard each game and to play at that pace its not gonna be too hard for the other team to sit back and shoot your guys.

Either way, should be an interesting day. I'm looking forward to it.

As to needing more than 1 field. You wont. I remember when I played the D7s Xball Lite series, that had as many teams, with longer game time and it all happened on the CPL field no problems :)