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is this forum facist

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Platinum Member
Sorry but in life you are judged by the company you keep.
Sometimes you don't always know what someone is *really* like until they go off on one though, all I'm saying is give the kids a chance, don't rule them out of participating in things just because of one person on the team.

There are others on here that have been associated with worse people (like AndyC14) who are now valuable members of the community and play on other teams.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
ok as opinons are the freedom of speach, should this forum have dictatorship, ok you have an opinon, the mods get it wrong you get banned, no very democratic, ok ban me again, im on a mission i have 2500 domains, expect to keep the admins busy, peace out nutz for josh

Put like this, circumvent bans and expect to have the cops knocking at your door.

A web server is classed as private property, now by the way the site is set up people are authorised to come and veiw this property (website).

If you are no longer welcome, and circumvent this ban (even once) there is enough to have a HEAFTY fine sent your way, with possible prison time if its repeated.

Want to act like a kid? Sure, just dont be surprised when your summons is posted through the door.

Bryan leaver

burger,chips and beer
May 29, 2007
Sometimes you don't always know what someone is *really* like until they go off on one though, all I'm saying is give the kids a chance, don't rule them out of participating in things just because of one person on the team.

There are others on here that have been associated with worse people (like AndyC14) who are now valuable members of the community and play on other teams.
yer you shouldnt rule them out of participating in things just because of one person on the team. If you guys had done that to me, my team wouldnt be aloud to step on a feild with half the crap i come out with from time to time .

but still there is not point starting threads that you know will get you band , is there !


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
All fall below the words of Bon, wise and true.

tbh this whole saga reminds me (in a roundabout way) to youknow who from team you know which Hope the guys on this cnuts team dont get tarred with the same aids soaked brush...though the name might have to get changed, ala you know who

Big Mac

My Custom User Title
Oct 19, 2006
you really dont get it do you.

have you ever met robbo face to face - i have heard his little stories of the olden days, (when he had hair:D) and in real life he does seem like a big softie but im guessing when he meets you...

well lets just say you wont be getting any get well soon cards from the majority of us;)
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