Just to put an end to this......in the nicest possible way.
Kelley puts the scores onto the laminated sheets at the event. Bex also puts the scores onto paper sheets to double check them, also as the day continues both scores are checked against each other to make sure they are correct. If there are any queries on the day then Bex checks them again with a red tick. The only thing i can think of is that Kelley was putting zero's for byes and Bex was doing 100 points but that shouldnt have made a difference on the laminated sheets.
All this was done regardless because the weather was so bad. I have spoken with Johnny from Rebellion and his information tallies with ours, we havent made a mistake with the scores ever.
So all the scores stand and congratulations to all the teams that didnt realise they had done so well.
See you on the 19th for a double presentation.....cant wait....xxxx