well im in basildon and i cant travle to far because i av to pay me dad petrol money lol and that 1000 pound i was talking about is for a gun and kit and some paint balls do u no any clubs near basildon that needs players like me p.s. im right handed and fast so u better watch out lolWhereabouts in Essex are you paint baller?
A £1000 in six months equals about £160 a month. That's a lot of paint my freind!! Average walk-on if you shoot 2000 paint in a day is about £45, but can vary between £40 to £60. Additional site paint is between £25-£40 a box, whilst stores will sell you tourney quality paint for about between £25 to £30 a box, and most sites allow you to bring your own paint after paying a green fee of normally £25, but again some sites charge as little as £15 and some wil try and charge you £35.
Colchester run a very decent walk-on and their green fee's and paint prices are very reasonable. Some 'ahem' other sites will not allow you to bring your own paint and charge perhaps a bit more than what is considered the going rate. You'll get a feel as you browse around the web.
P.S.... I'm left handed.. so watch it you lot!!
i dont live enywere near essex sorry dude but just scout around on the tournement section of the forum and just go to some training days, walk-on's and aventually tourney'scould u help me start paintballing because i would love to join a club but it would av to be in essex if u could help that would be great but if not dont worry about it