The Super League tournament is based in the North East and is giving local players the chance to move out of the recreational scene and take the next step up the ladder into the paintball tournament scene.
Players from the Superleague series will progress up the ladder and join national tournaments - perhaps the PA, perhaps the UK Masters, perhaps something else. Or they will decide they don't like tournament paintball and will go back to playing recreationally. Some will choose just to stay at this level, some will progress.
Everyone had a great time on Sunday at the first event of the series.
Agreed - I allowed the tourney to be over-hyped in the first announcement. But it is a good event and I'm not going to say - "here comes Superleague - it's just new so please bear with us if it's a little bit mediocre". What kind of half-arsed marketing company would ever say something like that?
We promised pro-refs and there were two refs there who had been selected by the Millenium to ref the final of the World Cup in Toulouse. They reffed the entire tournament in Toulouse and then were selected to ref the final - we felt this a suitable endorsement. They are good refs and everyone sang their praises on the day. The other refs that were there did a great job and have been learning the ropes at the 3 man for some time. By all accounts they all did an excellent job. I am not aware of any complaints about the reffing from anyone who was there and am surprised that this has been flagged as an issue - although only by people who weren't actually there.
The Superleague tournament has high expectations and we are sure the next event will be even better than the last. We have approached more "pro" refs and have four of The Kellys confirmed to ref the next event.
The venue is superb. I have been to a lot of tournament venues in the country - I have attended a lot of trade stands. I know what is out there and speak from experience. The fields are flat. They are well netted. The safe area is well netted, all-weather surfaced and is solely for the use of the tournament players. There is also a car park purely for the tournament players. You can see the photos for yourself - the venue is great.
Robbo - thank you for your comments. You have posted elsewhere about the need for new blood into the sport and the lack of UK teams that entered the M5 series at Campaign. I hope this tournament series will help to achieve this. The three man series which takes place every Wednesday night at the Superleague venue has already created 15+ new three man teams in the area. Some of these new teams are now building to become 5 man teams so that they can enter the next event on 26th August.
A combination of the three man and the five man events is proving that not only can the transition from rental customer to tournament player be achieved but this can be achieved alongside the existing UK model. We charge £5 per man on a Wednesday night and the players get to use these facilities! 4500psi air fills are included in this price and paint is sold at standard tourney pricing. This has to be good for the sport. IS IT NOT?
Robbo, please feel free to give me a call at Just Paintball if you want to chat more about our motivation behind this series. It is to help the sport in the North East and ultimately the UK. Charging £5 a man for entry for a tournament where teams get 8 to 10 games each - this is excellent value for money for the players - not for me.
What we need to make the SL tournament better is more teams. It was a great event at the weekend but we'd like to see more teams at the next event. We clashed with Campaign - this gave us a soft launch onto the scene and the chance to iron out any blips. We would like to get 20 teams to the next event to prove what a great regional event this is.
To make this happen we'd like to invite teams to come and experience the event free of charge. We're waiving the entry fee for the first 12 teams that book in. You'll need to pay a £50 deposit to book your space but you'll get this back on the day. There will be two fields and you can see the photos online to see where you'll be playing!! I'll lay down a challenge to teams.... come and play, we are paying for the air, and the refs, and there is no entry fee for you. Bring your own paint if you want (but it must be tournament grade) - and we'll publish paint prices before the event if you want to buy paint from us on the day. Give us fair and honest feedback after you've played the event and we will do our best to deliver for you. Try it first - then tell us what you think - not the other way round. Please. Can I be more fair?
Players from the Superleague series will progress up the ladder and join national tournaments - perhaps the PA, perhaps the UK Masters, perhaps something else. Or they will decide they don't like tournament paintball and will go back to playing recreationally. Some will choose just to stay at this level, some will progress.
Everyone had a great time on Sunday at the first event of the series.
Agreed - I allowed the tourney to be over-hyped in the first announcement. But it is a good event and I'm not going to say - "here comes Superleague - it's just new so please bear with us if it's a little bit mediocre". What kind of half-arsed marketing company would ever say something like that?
We promised pro-refs and there were two refs there who had been selected by the Millenium to ref the final of the World Cup in Toulouse. They reffed the entire tournament in Toulouse and then were selected to ref the final - we felt this a suitable endorsement. They are good refs and everyone sang their praises on the day. The other refs that were there did a great job and have been learning the ropes at the 3 man for some time. By all accounts they all did an excellent job. I am not aware of any complaints about the reffing from anyone who was there and am surprised that this has been flagged as an issue - although only by people who weren't actually there.
The Superleague tournament has high expectations and we are sure the next event will be even better than the last. We have approached more "pro" refs and have four of The Kellys confirmed to ref the next event.
The venue is superb. I have been to a lot of tournament venues in the country - I have attended a lot of trade stands. I know what is out there and speak from experience. The fields are flat. They are well netted. The safe area is well netted, all-weather surfaced and is solely for the use of the tournament players. There is also a car park purely for the tournament players. You can see the photos for yourself - the venue is great.
Robbo - thank you for your comments. You have posted elsewhere about the need for new blood into the sport and the lack of UK teams that entered the M5 series at Campaign. I hope this tournament series will help to achieve this. The three man series which takes place every Wednesday night at the Superleague venue has already created 15+ new three man teams in the area. Some of these new teams are now building to become 5 man teams so that they can enter the next event on 26th August.
A combination of the three man and the five man events is proving that not only can the transition from rental customer to tournament player be achieved but this can be achieved alongside the existing UK model. We charge £5 per man on a Wednesday night and the players get to use these facilities! 4500psi air fills are included in this price and paint is sold at standard tourney pricing. This has to be good for the sport. IS IT NOT?
Robbo, please feel free to give me a call at Just Paintball if you want to chat more about our motivation behind this series. It is to help the sport in the North East and ultimately the UK. Charging £5 a man for entry for a tournament where teams get 8 to 10 games each - this is excellent value for money for the players - not for me.
What we need to make the SL tournament better is more teams. It was a great event at the weekend but we'd like to see more teams at the next event. We clashed with Campaign - this gave us a soft launch onto the scene and the chance to iron out any blips. We would like to get 20 teams to the next event to prove what a great regional event this is.
To make this happen we'd like to invite teams to come and experience the event free of charge. We're waiving the entry fee for the first 12 teams that book in. You'll need to pay a £50 deposit to book your space but you'll get this back on the day. There will be two fields and you can see the photos online to see where you'll be playing!! I'll lay down a challenge to teams.... come and play, we are paying for the air, and the refs, and there is no entry fee for you. Bring your own paint if you want (but it must be tournament grade) - and we'll publish paint prices before the event if you want to buy paint from us on the day. Give us fair and honest feedback after you've played the event and we will do our best to deliver for you. Try it first - then tell us what you think - not the other way round. Please. Can I be more fair?