Oh yes. I remember. You were the guy with Oli?the blue team ruld the day not been that heavily in one teams favour for a while it was a great day and i remember seeing you there (wer across the table from me was in the grey proto jersey) maybe see you there again next month?
hi mate my team are looking for somewhere to train regular i'm a regular down the walk on'sdel know me well pm me any detailsIt was a great day paintballing for the blues all our training has paid off .
but even with our expereince i did see a lot of your guys retreating you should never fall back allways attack.
but all in all it was a good day and the sun was out for us all hope some of you guys can make holmbush at weekend you will love it only £50 with paint.if not see you next month.ps if any of you are looking for traing ground for sup-air let me no and i can sort it out for you cheers.
This walk-on seemed to have passed me by unnoticed... has anyone got any details? Also, although I'm sure it aint a problem, can I BYO regarding paint?