If your items are not delivered within the stated timeframe using special delivery then claim for them, all items sent by special delivery are covered by £500 on the standard insurance and you can opt for additional cover upto either 1000 or 2000 pounds.
Dark Stranger, I would actually check with the person that sent it to you to see what time they sent and check that everything went as expected and then get them to claim compensation.
I've never had any problem at all with special delivery in fact I've always been suprised by them.
Yes I do work for Royal Mail as a normal ol' postie, and can only give the impression that I get at work, the security surrounding the Specials is first rate, and that I and no one to my knowledge in my office has failed to attempt delivery within the time frame.
Just a quick note on the strike that this one will start 7pm on Thurs and run til 7pm Fri, unless the pay issues are resolved, this will have a higher impact on the service on the actual day of the strike as opposed to the following day