Well thanks for all the volunteers and if I include the PMs and phone calls there must be over sixty people interested in this so it will be going ahead.
Venues and dates tbc but I am sure we will have at least one in each of the South, Midlands and Northern regions.
We don't need to use a site for the first part of the training because it will include a lot of discussion points and a training seminar we have used before.
To be a good ref (and player) you must have a decent understanding of the rules in use at the tournament you will be attending and so for the purpose of these training sessions we will use the current Millennium Series rulebook because that is the one the majority of tournaments try and use.
Please download and study them and if you would like any points explaining write them down so you do not forget them and remember there is no such thing as a stupid question.
The other rulebooks in use in the UK such as the one used at the PA will be touched on but the emphasis will be on the Millennium version.
You will be asked for details to be entered on the database and that database will be made available to all bonafide tournament organisers.
The details will include:
Age with date of birth.
Area's you are willing to travel to attend an event.
Telephone number.
Email address.
Experience/training received.
The day will be loosely based on the old UKPSF ref course that ran successfully for a few years but with a modern game outlook.
The first one will be in late August/early September with a limit of around fifteen people.
The costs will be kept to the bare minimum and they will be confirmed as soon as we find a venue we can use.