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why so light?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2005
Sorry, if you dont understand why a lighter gun would make playing paintball easier then there is little hope for you...surely you can see why?

peace :rolleyes:

becasue you wont be thinking ,

$hit this gun is heavy, lets hope i can keep it up so my team mates don't think i'm a 12 year old girl. i wonder what my mum's cooking for tea tonight, hrmm whats that smell. oh **** better keep my eye on the game.
ouch, $hit thats me dead


If in doubt, flat out!
Jul 11, 2006
Wakefield, West Yorks.
its all about inertia INNIT!

a lighter marker takes less effort to get moving, and less effort to stop. Snapping with a light marker, is more than likely going to be a quicker snap, than if you where using a heavy marker... but if your thinking about how heavy your marker is during play, your thinking about the wrong thing ;)



Doing men things to men in the woods atm
Nov 21, 2004
Less weight is just makes you faster/lighter, and can therefore make it easier to make quick moves or quick decisions. Also with snap shooting, personally i think that a lighter gun can help. Maybe can even help you out on the break.

its all hype since all guns can now go 15bps they cant go on about speed so its the next my dad is bigger than your dad


Looking for a team.
I personally think its about the weight over time. If you pick something up and it weighs say about 8-10lbs then over a prolonged period of time it will slowly wear you down. But if the said object only weighs say 2-4lbs then it will take longer to have an impact. Thus a lighter marker setup will be less 'fatiguing' over the course of a tournament than a heavier marker setup.

I only base this on my experiences with an SA80, when you have to carry it unslung all day your arms feel the weight even though it is a reasonably light weapons platform. Whereas i can carry my marker about for hours on end without feeling it...SA80 loaded is about 10-12lbs and my marker with air and full hopper is about 6lbs(ish)