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UKM 5 Man - Divisions - Round 6


Apocalypse Paintball
Mar 16, 2006
Tetsuko, that would have been me that attempted to shoot you.

i assume you play for kitsune?


You have to move up from KOTH if you win it twice, so the Egg guys will definitely be in Div 4 next month. I'm sure they'll do well in Div 4 as well, about time they stepped up :D
defo there a good team. it will be good to see how they do


Gone crazy, back soon...
Tetsuko, that would have been me that attempted to shoot you.

i assume you play for kitsune?
Yeah she does. Amazing game that....I am still stunned about getting caught in the open, shot half a dozen times then being told by the marshall that I was clean......gotta say the welts are nice though :D

A top day, thanks to all the teams in Div 4 and thanks to the marshalls.....nice to see some good 1for1 calls as well.....ok there were a couple of poor ones as well but on the whole, they did a cracking job :)


Apocalypse Paintball
Mar 16, 2006
Yeah im still really sorry about that bedlam.

I looked out the left side of my bunker to see you in clear daylight and as I fired you slipped.... I saw you kinda struggling to get up slightly from pain and the marshall coming over the check you were ok. I even stopped playing and was about to walk over and check you were ok. Sorry again.....

After that I went and purchased a hopper lid for my Halo instead of the speed feed. The water getting through my speedfeed made the paint as bouncy as you like.


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
yep fun filled day :D had a good few games and had a good laugh thrown in

and casper made it through the day without lemon drilling him ( wont last mate )


Platinum Member
Yeah im still really sorry about that bedlam.

I looked out the left side of my bunker to see you in clear daylight and as I fired you slipped.... I saw you kinda struggling to get up slightly from pain and the marshall coming over the check you were ok. I even stopped playing and was about to walk over and check you were ok. Sorry again.....

After that I went and purchased a hopper lid for my Halo instead of the speed feed. The water getting through my speedfeed made the paint as bouncy as you like.
Wouldn't worry about it mate, he loves it ;)