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UK Gun Whores club is here

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right, in approximate order of ownership and heritage (where possible/remembered!!)

SP*8 (from new - sold to Messiah from Ronin)
Inferno Field :eek: (don't ask....long gone)
Tippmann 98c (from Wee Gaz of Scottish Warriors, to Haggis from NV)
Element V2 framed upped IOn (assembled from parts, sold onto :confused: some guy on here that wanted before staargate 07)
2x stock ions (still have one of these)
Lucky Upped Ion (assembled from parts, private sale)
Ego6 (from Sid Clan, to Pump'n'splat)
the above two paid (almost) for my Ego7 (from Dusty, to Cooper)
"Epiphion" assembled from parts and currently for sale
2 more SP*8s - one epiphany'd (from new - still have these)
Newly acquired Shocker NXT (from TopChef)

if the wife saw this list i don't think she'd be happy :eek:


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Ok, Ive spent the last 2-3 hours tweaking the design/colours and the layout of the Jersey. Most of the stuff ive done you wont notice because it is mostly stuff to make sure that it prints the colour i want it to print when it gets sent to the manufacturers.

I'll Just list the changes ive made to the actual design here:

1 - Sleeve artwork has been slightly modified and now has the GWC letters in the 3 stars.

2 - Shoulders on the front have been modified to encorporate the Gat-o-flage.

3 - the colour of the whole jersey has been slightly altered to a CMYK colour split for the printers. this basically means that it will print exactly how it looks in my file. It displays slightly lighter and a bit paler on screen. I wont go into the reasons for that though.

4 - colour of stars and GWC have been lifted slightly (from 90% Black to 70% black). This is to make sure they are visible on the print.

I will take an A3 print of the Jersey Design to the Ionman Tourney on Sunday and give it to Gassy so at at least one of you will know EXACTLY how it will look when printed.

Didn't understand a ****ing word of that ..

Who cares ..good job


CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
black dragun *broke*
vl maxis e/g *broke*
stock ion *sold on* sold to team mate
intimidator texas storm *sold on* sold on forums
angel g7 fly *sold on* sold on forums
ego 5 *sold on* sold to team mate
cannock cobras black/gold ego 6 *sold on* sold on forums
ego 5 *sold on* sold on forums
upped ion *sold on* sold on forums
invert mini *sold on* sold on forums
aracon milsim m4 elite *sold on* sold on forums
tippmann a5 *sold on* sold on forums
pm7 *sold on* sold on forums
notorious kids etek *sold on* sold on forums
disruption ego 07 *sold on* sold to friend
nxt shocker *sold on* sold to team mate
ego 07 *sold on* sold on forums
cannock cobras ego 07 *still own* selling soon
angel 1 *still own* selling soon
etek2 *on its way to me*
traccer pump *still own*



one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
ok guys if every one is happy with design ? then lets move to the next step. i think JCS for the jerseys think we got quoted £39 a top. but will speak to them.

so yes move to print ?
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