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staargate v starwars


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
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thanks on behalf of the staff to all you players that made our hard work look to be well worth it :eek: just finished tidying up the site;) hope to see you all next year:)heard a rumour today that the new scenario could be comic book hero,s and villians now wot do you guys think


As posted elsewhere:.........

Like Mikey, I've totally lost my voice and my body aches like buggery.

Quite a day.

Firstly, could like to thank the teams in my faction: Fury (obviously), 360, Axis, Ronin, PUPS, Kent Volunteers, Hawks and others. I know I did a lot of yelling throughout the day chaps and was constantly asking you to turn straight around at respawn without much of a break - but ultimately that was my job for the day......I'm not normally quite so....er.....vocal!!

Was great to see all the usual suspects at the game and enjoyed working with Mike, Tone and Mikey - whilst we were ultimately unsuccessful, we did put up a pretty good scrap.

The push at 15:15 on the Staargate was memorable. There's nothing like it when you get a 200 player push going......anyone involved in that part of the play will remember it for a long time and I can't wait to see how it comes out on the video.

SGC faction had a pretty tough time of it fighting most of the day in the same area of the field around the Alpha base. Traditionally, this Alpha base changes hands all day long and whilst it may have appeared thankless at times...it was important that we didn't let them have free reign over that part of the field. But it was exhausting constantly chucking ourselves into that fight for most of the day.

Should congratulate the Ori for best faction and the Baddies for winning overall - good show.

oh yeah...couple of my highlights:

- Seeing SPC Ryan fall over a tree stump in the safe area and getting stuck on his back like a crab and having to be helped up. Most amusing - thought you'd done the other hip for a moment!

- Seeing Keems make a one man pistol charge left of the Alpha base against a dozen bling flingers...... the stuff of legend!

- Obviously the push on the Staargate.

- Early on, getting inside a tent in the Alpha Base and finding the best firing postion in the world through a small hole in the tent fabric - most have shot out at least a dozen before someone shot me through the hole on my hopper - million dollar shot!

- Seeing Woody trip over whilst running towards the Alpha Base - proper comedy fall!

Right, I'm off to wrap myself in cotton wool and nurse my aching bones.

See you all on the field soon.

Cheers and thank you.


Automag yeah baby yeah!
Oct 7, 2005
Another great game as always bloody sore after the tug o war as we were last to pull Scottish boys(russians) against 6 men no less then the semis against 3 different (gits) i meen teams lol.Great day had by all my guys and we will be back next year.:D


I managed to thank the marshals on the day:) but forgot everyone else, so from the Ringer Patrol thanks to Steve, Tracy, Eric for the music and Gups, Brian, Sonic and the other guy (sorry:eek:) for the fiery entertainment. Thanks also to all the other factions for a great time, and to all the folk who joined up with us thanks for getting in there and fighting all day. A great weekend all round with a very friendly atmosphere and yet lots of cracking fights, and see you all next year for more of the same:D


Active Member
May 9, 2003
Defo a big thanks to the refs, good job all round :)

Cheers to Steve and all the crew not only for the day itself, for the preparation and clearup - all the work we don't see happen, but we know someone does it :rolleyes:

Thanks to Eric for great tunes all nite and to HPac for 3000 fills all day.

Any chance of flattening the hills a bit for next year? ;)


Feb 19, 2003
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Another great weekend - awesome defending of the Staargate at 4pm and then the push towards the pyramids.

Thanks to all my boyz for my birthday stuff (new paintball kit - woo hoo) and I'm so glad we decided to stay in a Travel lodge before the long journey back 'Down Souf' yesterday.

See ya at the next one.


Long may the Empire rule!! :p


Old Face - New Name!
Sep 17, 2006
Milton Keynes
Where to begin…………

Thanks to Bully and all his staff for putting this event on.

Thanks to HPac and the caterers both of which kept everyone filled up and fighting all day!!

Thanks to all the players, from both sides, for making this a good weekend both on and off the field.

Thanks to Timboy, Mike and Little Tone for leading your respective factions in style – we nearly did it!! The 200+ plus push for the Stargate was a joy to be involved with. It’s probably pushing into the top 5 of my memorable moments of my playing career

Thanks to all the Jedi players – The Redbourn Rangers, A Few Guid Men, The Dirty Half Dozen, The Paintball Centre, Team Chaos and various other individuals whose names I embarrassingly can’t remember. You all played well, did what was asked of you and made my job that little bit easier. Unofficially, I think we were the highest scoring faction for the Goodies – after all we did blow up the Death Star!! – so well done.

Thanks to the Tug of War and Lasertag Teams – finalists both times but unfortunately no points. They wouldn’t have made a difference to the overall result but I think we could have been in the running for overall highest scoring faction.

Thanks to Sean (Little Chef) and Darren and numerous others who bothered to enter into the spirit of things and do the full fancy dress thing – felt so much better that I wasn’t the only plum in a flowing cape and silly mask!!

Thanks to Chef, Taumaul and Lord Butterscotch (James) for your support and loan of your voices! My voice has returned slightly but I still keep getting the odd ‘he’s too old for his voice to be breaking’ look.

And finally thanks for the thanks! This was my first time being a faction leader/general and because of the prestige of the event I really wanted to do well. I hope I didn’t let anyone down or that my style of command (would you call constant shouting and the odd expletive a style??) didn’t annoy too many. As long as you had a good time and went home happy lets that important thing.

See you all soon