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UKM + STAKO = NO? :s

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Can you imagine the phone calls between the H-Pac staff in Germany and at Lincoln and possibly between Wendyism in germany and Bex/Andy or Dave @ Lincoln
That will explain how the ruling was applied and then updated to conform with the Millennium ruling on Sunday
We were told by Hpac on sunday to first of all tell all Stacko bottle owners to only fill to 3000psi due to safety reasons.
This is more than the teams in germany were allowed to do as they were completely banned for the millenium event.

The Stacko bottles have been banned by Hpac, at any tournament they supply air to, until further noticer until the manufacturers can eliminate which bottles are faulty.

I apologise for any problems this may cause but health and safety has to come first.



Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
You have become very negative and critical of a lot of posts as of late? Any reason why?

if people cant use their equipment at an event, then dont play it.
that is what i was saying: the guy asked if anyone was annoyed to potentialy have to buy new equipment: my retort, just dont play the event.

i wont be playing any events cos i cant now.
expect me to be chuffed about that?


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
cant believe people are postin about boycottin the masters because of this what would people rather no stako bottles , or a team mate,felllow baller getting blown to bits by dodgey polish bottle engineering !!!!

so stop moanin about it and deal with it hopefully its a dodgey batch and they`ll be legal again soon if not is it so bad to go and buy another bottle ?????? the regs will still be fine !!!!

wanna drop me off that £150 for a new bottle now, or meet you at an event?

dodgey engineering quote is also pretty stupid thing to say, seeing as luxfer, a massive bottle maker, had a recall on some units not so long ago.


If in doubt, flat out!
Jul 11, 2006
Wakefield, West Yorks.
boycotting a league for them banning what could be a possible danger to poeple playing/spectating... seems a wee bit extreme reaction to a league looking after themself and the players.

i understand alot of people wont be able to play because of that, but the blame lies with stako and no one else, hopefully this will all be sorted, either by replacement/recall or refund.



Old dog - old tricks
Jul 19, 2005
North West
i think what lovetone is getting at is not so much boycotting which is 100% choice it is the fact that people can't afford new bottles so they CAN't play the event, not won't. And i'm sure Ian's fully aware of the safety implications but is just commenting on the other side of the coin i.e. the impact it has on players.

p.s. Frank, if you're looking for a bottle of similar calibre to a Stako e.g. the Dye Throttle or the Empire Fuel then yes upto £150 and beyond is about right
if people cant use their equipment at an event, then dont play it.
that is what i was saying: the guy asked if anyone was annoyed to potentialy have to buy new equipment: my retort, just dont play the event.

i wont be playing any events cos i cant now.
expect me to be chuffed about that?
But if the equipment is a danger to players and public then surely safety must be paramount.

Boycotting an event does nothing to resolve the issue. In fact it stirs the pot more.

I understand your frustration, I would be miffed too. Altough I would rather be safe than £150 out of pocket.