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marshall sheilds


The Tao of Pooh
Jun 20, 2006
North London
Like to explain why !


Why encumber yourself with something that physically prevents you from closely checking all sides of a player (esp. in a snake), limits your vision and mobility and only encourages "sideline" reffing.

If you wear chest protection, arm and knee pads, gloves and good neck/head gear then you already have excellent protection against those players who can't tell the difference between Black/White Stripes and the multi-colours of a players outfit.

Oh, and if shields are such a good idea, how come the NXL/PSP, NPPL and Millennium CPL/SPL and Divisional Refs don't use them?


May 15, 2006
Central London
Stop being pussies!

Getting hit is part of the game, reffing or not.

Think you should all take a leaf out of Mars bars book
subtle ;)

the only place i would consider using one is marshalling rec, when some players may need a bit of encouragement to get out of there quickly when it gets 'hairy' :) buuut, i never would since its just not done, and would look like i was using it for my own protection... and someone will always abuse the ref they think is soft behing the ears :p :rolleyes:

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association

Why encumber yourself with something that physically prevents you from closely checking all sides of a player (esp. in a snake), limits your vision and mobility and only encourages "sideline" reffing.
How does it prevent you doing anything that may be required of a ref, you can do all the checks and signals. It does not limit any mobility and as for encouraging sideline reffing I believe and my experience shows it does the opposite.

If you wear chest protection, arm and knee pads, gloves and good neck/head gear then you already have excellent protection against those players who can't tell the difference between Black/White Stripes and the multi-colours of a players outfit.
Its ok saying wear this and that but after a few hours reffing you really don't want to wear them any longer and they do not protect the areas that always hurt when you are shot.
Players when they start the game have a bit of adrenaline running round their system and that increases the pain threshold so it does not feel as bad, and you play about ten games per day - the refs play about fifty.

Oh, and if shields are such a good idea, how come the NXL/PSP, NPPL and Millennium CPL/SPL and Divisional Refs don't use them?
As for the MS Ulrich thinks they portray paintball as a painful experience so does not like them to be seen.
The NPPL I believe leave the individual refs to decide and the PSP encourage all refs to use a shield and even provide them.

A shield is not just to protect the ref it can be used to stop players getting shot when they are eliminated to stop the possible retaliation (if paintballs don't hurt why do you girls complain about bonus balling) (not you Rosie:)) and you can also stop players who are shot playing on by blocking their shots.



CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
i completely agree russ. i reffed the last phoenix indoor along with rosie on field 2. due to the close quarters of the paintballing and the lack of wind the shots are dead on and when calling a player dead or moving into a line of fire to check players then the shield helped no end. whether just to keep yer goggles clean of shots or protecting urself and others when 2 or more guns bare down on you. more than once i found myself using the shield to stop a stream of paint hitting a player who had called themselves out. the shield is awesome and even if not used i think it should at least be made an option to the refs. refs do an awesome job and anything that aids this has gotta be a good thing and well worth the money?


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
I agree with Russ. Why get hammered if you don't have to?

And most bad refs with shields are bad refs. But with shields.