I expect availability of the Gillette Stadium in Boston has a lot to do with this, much more so that the NPPL's 'not giving a crap'
We are talking about one or two teams here, and thats all the cross-over there is. I have more reason to dislike the clash of dates than anyone else on here, with the exception of Magued, but you don't see me getting all hissy about it.
It is an unfortunate clash of dates between 2 series that have extremely minimal crossover and completely different formats, not a fxcking conspiracy. If they puyt the date on the European Cup Final weekend it would cause more disruption.
Nick, I had a chick once that acted like you. A real 'drama queen'. Good in the sack though...
If you want to talk your crap about how unfair it is to have US pro's guesting in the MS, and then also want to bitch about them not being able to do so due to a clash of dates, I have to wonder whether you really care what you bitch about, or if its the bitching itself that floats your boat?
And before you spout off some more crap, I don't have anything to do with the NPPL and have no need to defend them. I just think you're being a little bitch and decided to call you on it.