I'd question whether using ramping would make games more exciting to watch, especially at anything but the top level, but the way to get paintball more popular is to get people playing, not watching. Using semi means you get a learning curve; as you get better at shooting your gun faster and controlling your overshooting you also get better at avoiding getting shot (in theory). Thus new players don't get instantly blasted off the field by other new players in love with their gun's instant firepower. Let the pros use ramping if they like by all means; as the last few years have shown if you don't let them use assistance to shoot fast they either learn or cheat
their way to it and fair enough. But let the new players start at a level that's less scary and more challenging and they're more likely to come back for another go. Create an environment where everyone is slinging buckets of paint around from minute one and you risk driving people away or back to the woods