Definately in agreement about the judge's.
It's been said a thousand times before but it really is a thankless task. Well done to all of them. We only had one 'strange' call against us all day and I only saw one other questionable decision out of all the other games I watched.
We really had a good result. We were fireing on all cylinders as one of our team had never played in a tournament before. To come top in Div 4 with only 4 and a bit players was an amazing result for us. To be honest, we thought all the youngsters were going to outgun and outrun us all day. We have an average age of just under 40 between our 4 core players.
Who ever said that us old boys were a thing of the past???
It's been said a thousand times before but it really is a thankless task. Well done to all of them. We only had one 'strange' call against us all day and I only saw one other questionable decision out of all the other games I watched.
We really had a good result. We were fireing on all cylinders as one of our team had never played in a tournament before. To come top in Div 4 with only 4 and a bit players was an amazing result for us. To be honest, we thought all the youngsters were going to outgun and outrun us all day. We have an average age of just under 40 between our 4 core players.
Who ever said that us old boys were a thing of the past???