brilliant fun!
A big thank you to everyone involved in organising the Timewars Game at campaign. I had a really good time and thought it was a great addition to the scenario calendar. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and hope that there is a game scheduled for October 2008
Highlights of the day
The rolling fields format was an excellent idea for making use of the diverse fields and helped add some strategic elements into the game as you weren't always quite sure which field was the most important. Seeing a player run through a wood with an inflatable Dalek was uber funny.
The subplots were great fun - the spider drop vs Dangerous Brian was a great idea, and one of the highlights of the day for me was malleting the Sontarians. Fighting against them was a real giggle
Good Facilities
Air to 4500 psi
Lots of Chronos
Lots of air fill stations
Large well designed safe zone area and shooting range
Easy sign in and admin
Good pre-game briefing
Good Marshalling
Marshals were really switched on, running into the line of fire to do paint checks and also BPS and chrono checks. It made a real difference to the game in my view as it re-assured players that the other team were on the level. Marshals were also pretty chipper despite the number of times they had to re-issue me with an armband in the final mission
added bonus
Fantastic Raffle with lots of great prizes.
Thoughts for next year
Scenario briefing: It would have been useful to have had the scenario mission briefing in advance, especially if we could have downloaded it from the website. I didn't actually have time to read it in the morning. The pre-game briefing made up for this though as it gave me a general idea of what it was all about.
Game starts: It was frustrating on a couple of occasions where the blue team had assembled at the start gate of a new mission but the mission didn't start on time. This wasn't due to the marshals not being ready, but rather the opposition! At field 3 we had to wait about 10 minutes for some reds to appear before the game was allowed to start; was frustrating as we [blue] had organised ourselves sufficiently to try and mallet the reds at mission start.
Final Thoughts
I hope there are plans for a game at Campaign in October 2008. I noticed that there were parts of the site we didn't get to play on despite the 5 missions and sub-plots. Its a good site and October is a good place in the calendar as it splits out the southern scenario games evenly across the year.
Big shout out to Going Postal, Dirty Half Dozen [providing dummy runs against Dangerous Brian :shock: - braver than me!], Gommie, Adam and Redbourne Rangers. Was great to see some familiar faces again and also to meet some people for the first time. Everyone seemed keen to have a fun relaxed time and that made the game really enjoyable.
Big thank you to Hath for organising the good guys - we seemed to have the better hand over the bad guys during the 'rolling missions' 1-4 due to getting people to the right fields at the right time
Big thank you to the photographers - am really looking forward to seeing the photos.