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UKM 7 man - March 11th - Combat Zone Lincoln


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
To be honest i was not replying to your post i was in fact replying to Markie C post as with what i thought was pretty apparent from me actually quoting his post :rolleyes: .
Also i was meaning that if you had read it may be not clearly stated was that Markie has spoken to Wendy on a one to one level and dealt with any issues head on and talked to the source instead of on here!!

And where did you read about me saying that the Firm wouldnt be missed never said that and if you READ your own post more carefully which said "fwiw, id play the masters more, or be interested in doing so, if the fields were "better" for want of a more apt description." I was reffering to yourself as stated in your previous post and not in reference to the Firm in any way what so ever that they would or wouldnt be missed i was refering to yourself and the last i heard one player dont make a team!!
And i also read it as i see it but im not gonna go around calling people *******s who i dont know or anything about them just cos you maybe dont like what is being said after all it is only a criticism.
So points take onboard wether i agree or disagree is obviously irrelevant or we will just keep going round in a circles at this rate !!!

You might well have been replying to Markie C, however, you were talking about me. Hence I will choose to quote you if I wish, seeing as the subject material was concerning myself.

I've decided to leave any further arguments there, seeing as for me its a case of diminishing returns. I'm obviously not going to be able to fully convey my point properly via text on a forum - its too easy to either misinterpret or read between the lines.

Fact remains: as a paying customer, we have the right to feedback, and a public forum is a perfect place to do so as you can also gain the insight of your peers (in this case other players). The fact that we ( as the team The Firm) have also approached the organisers of the event on a one-to-one level expressing this feedback (via Markie C, the team captain) goes to show that this isnt just a "moan" as you put it.

For the final time, I have nothing against you personally. However, you seem to be dwelling on the fact I called you an arsehole - well, the reason for that was the first instance of you replying to me was in a completely condescending manner. You state that you wouldnt (please forgive my contraction) 'call people names' who you dont know - yet you were more than happy to berate me. Shades of grey dude...and my reaction was just that - a reaction to your posting which I deemed was offensive.


DCF Footsoldier.
Apr 18, 2006
Ashbourne (Derbyshire)
ok in reply to your post, i know our team had a bad day, in what part of my post did i put that we didnt,

secondly the marker wasnt ramping, its was bouncing, yes a hell of a lot, not ramping, there was no consistent rate of fire, which can be achieved by ramping.

thirdly i have marshelled before, and no not punter marshelling, tournament marshelling.

and i know the rules are non ramping, which is what confuses me as it is supposed to be the closest equivelent to millenium so teams can get ready for it, you get my point?

plus is didnt comment on the designs of the fields, i commented on how they are put out, you need some form of grid lines to make sure that all the bunkers are in the right places, you wouldnt try and draw a design for a flat pack without a grid to help you, would you?
I understand what you mean on the training for milleniums its mainly because its the only tournament with the 7 man format within the UK now (correct me if im wrong) If not the UK the midlands at least

The field designs thing was to the other two having a tiff earlier

you have a point but sometimes its hard to visualise a grid on field plus the amount of people that are available the previous night is limited something that could possibly be looked at for kettering

Ramping marker wise we need something like the milleniums testing machines.

To be fair its always a grey area for bouncing / ramping markers with all the software available.

Fair enough lets drop this i hate slanging matches on baller

at least we were civilised


May 15, 2006
Central London
I understand what you mean on the training for milleniums its mainly because its the only tournament with the 7 man format within the UK now (correct me if im wrong) If not the UK the midlands at least

The field designs thing was to the other two having a tiff earlier

you have a point but sometimes its hard to visualise a grid on field plus the amount of people that are available the previous night is limited something that could possibly be looked at for kettering

Ramping marker wise we need something like the milleniums testing machines.

To be fair its always a grey area for bouncing / ramping markers with all the software available.

Fair enough lets drop this i hate slanging matches on baller

at least we were civilised
tom, on the 7man format... 3/4 of the nspl is 7man matey :)

but yes, in the midlands, it is the only one i do believe :D


$outh $ide
Sep 24, 2005
Probably Licking AL France...
Visit site
Field layouts were way better than the 5 man :) I liked the JT field more than the Raven field, but the reffing was undoubtedly better on the Raven (not looking to spark a debate/argument).

I think,to be fair, Wendy and crew did a good job of setting up a 5 man site for a 7 man tourney. Good length fields, 300fps would have been nice with Millennium length fields tbh, but yeah, i was pretty impressed over all :D

Another thing that impressed me was the sheer amount of food the charms girls put away! :eek: Seriously, on the 2 and a half hour journey to lincoln we stopped twice :eek: Where does it all go? :p

Good weekend all round :)


$outh $ide
Sep 24, 2005
Probably Licking AL France...
Visit site
I hear you mate. walked into college today half drunk, wearing normal clothes, had to run to get my suit, got changed in the toilets and got to registration just as the bell went :cool: happy days.

I'm just glad you got home without crashing to be honest. Haven't heard from Mikey yet... fingers crossed - he might not make it :p