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Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
That is one awesome prize, so props to russ

But the uk refs were, well lets just say fields one and two were by far the worst reffed fields all day and before anyone says it yes we did win on those fields, so this isnt a loosers gripe
I really don't like to get involved in good ref/bad ref debates because it is always a subjective viewpoint but let me just make one point if I may.
Good refs will cause more problems for teams (well the ones who do not want to use the rules in play) and organisers than poor to average ones simply because they pick up on the cheats and do not let players take the p***, and they tend to know the rules that most teams don't.
I saw lots of action on Sunday and I always cast an eye over the refs to see what they are doing and if they are doing it correctly (and believe me on this - I do know the difference) and yes there was some average performance's from the refs on all fields but if I was Wendy I would have been happy with the quality of all the reffing staff, I would have every one of them back again.
UK refs were on both fields one and two along with some others (one of whom had never reffed before) but I did not hear of any in-game concerns or problems, they was also on another field.
It is very easy to say if you can do better then step up to the plate and try, but I wont say that, what I will tell you is this I have hand picked so to speak every member of the UK Refs and without doubt they are the best the UK can offer and can and do hold their own with every reffing team around the world, they take pride in there ability to do a great job so do, and if you thought otherwise............... :rolleyes:



CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
go refs ! woot woot .
in all seriousness (pls excuse spelling) the refs rocked. all calls were good and correct in the games i played and the only field i didnt play was #2. it was a good, clean day and i felt safe in the knowledge that the refs were there pulling the shot opponents and ourselves... cause in the end there is nuffin quite like a nice clean game ;)

makes the day all the more when games r fair and true.


Platinum Member
I really don't like to get involved in good ref/bad ref debates because it is always a subjective viewpoint but let me just make one point if I may.
Good refs will cause more problems for teams (well the ones who do not want to use the rules in play) and organisers than poor to average ones simply because they pick up on the cheats and do not let players take the p***, and they tend to know the rules that most teams don't.
I saw lots of action on Sunday and I always cast an eye over the refs to see what they are doing and if they are doing it correctly (and believe me on this - I do know the difference) and yes there was some average performance's from the refs on all fields but if I was Wendy I would have been happy with the quality of all the reffing staff, I would have every one of them back again.
UK refs were on both fields one and two along with some others (one of whom had never reffed before) but I did not hear of any in-game concerns or problems, they was also on another field.
It is very easy to say if you can do better then step up to the plate and try, but I wont say that, what I will tell you is this I have hand picked so to speak every member of the UK Refs and without doubt they are the best the UK can offer and can and do hold their own with every reffing team around the world, they take pride in there ability to do a great job so do, and if you thought otherwise............... :rolleyes:

Overall the reffing was very good, didn't experience any bad calls against us or any of our opponents all day. There were one or two annoying moments though and one ref on field two who I thought took the urine a little.

On field 2 one of our games ended up with a 1 on 1 snap shooting contest, our guy hit the other and got back into cover and didnt see him walk. As soon as the guy walked a ref ran into place where he'd just walked from, crouched down, put his shield up and stared intently into the bunker making out he was watching a player. Can't see any reason for him to do that other than to make our guy think the player was still there.

And on field 5, a ref was obviously scared of getting shot. Our back center caught a glancing blow on the hopper, which bounced, he went to play on but the ref yelled that he needed to check him. But wouldnt get close enough to do it properly because of the volumes of paint coming in. So he yells "I need to see your hopper, show me your hopper" our player obviously obliges, shows him his clean hopper, which then gets shot, because not only could the ref see it, so could the opposition, doh.

Didn't complain as neither call really changed the outcome of either game and generally the reffing is spot on and obviously a pretty thankless job.

Congrats to Field 4 for field of the day and well done to Wendy and the girls for another great event.

See you all next month.


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
I really don't like to get involved in good ref/bad ref debates because it is always a subjective viewpoint but let me just make one point if I may.
Good refs will cause more problems for teams (well the ones who do not want to use the rules in play) and organisers than poor to average ones simply because they pick up on the cheats and do not let players take the p***, and they tend to know the rules that most teams don't.
I saw lots of action on Sunday and I always cast an eye over the refs to see what they are doing and if they are doing it correctly (and believe me on this - I do know the difference) and yes there was some average performance's from the refs on all fields but if I was Wendy I would have been happy with the quality of all the reffing staff, I would have every one of them back again.
UK refs were on both fields one and two along with some others (one of whom had never reffed before) but I did not hear of any in-game concerns or problems, they was also on another field.
It is very easy to say if you can do better then step up to the plate and try, but I wont say that, what I will tell you is this I have hand picked so to speak every member of the UK Refs and without doubt they are the best the UK can offer and can and do hold their own with every reffing team around the world, they take pride in there ability to do a great job so do, and if you thought otherwise............... :rolleyes:

Russ im aware of you knowing the difference in the rules i can easily take on board any advice or imformation you can give me.

But if there refs that...sorry, if the uk refs that were there on sunday were the best the uk have then god help us. I dont know them well enough to know who was actually a uk ref or not but for everyones sake i hope you lent some of your tops out.

...and yes im not just on about our games as i watched quite a few that day


Jagshemash "it Is Nice"
Oct 17, 2006
Congleton, Cheshire
Well i thought the marshals were great, it was my first tourney and everything was perfect , games were all on schedual, and all the teams and players we played were sound.
thanks for such a good first tourney everyone.


SoManc. Live Forever.
Apr 13, 2006
thanks to all that attended

we worked hard to make the calls fair and just

how was the reffing for you all?

thanks again for the sportsmanship shown by all

tom field four (field of the day) ref
All marshalling was good, apart from you.... You sucked:rolleyes: :p Just kidding bro:cool:


Doing men things to men in the woods atm
Nov 21, 2004
we won 1 event last year (july @ uttoxeter) then didnt play until 10man in october then started fresh this season. gonna attend every round. hopefully top 3 for all rounds.

wicked prize for smokin' aces in KOTH and hope to see them in Div 4 next month. well done to them for some awesome play.
Thats if they move up

Gilly Uk Ref

Feb 19, 2007
That is one awesome prize, so props to russ

But the uk refs were, well lets just say fields one and two were by far the worst reffed fields all day and before anyone says it yes we did win on those fields, so this isnt a loosers gripe
Thats a big bold statement....... An if you are the tall player with the method shirt on you may find you did lose on field one.....

I'll invite you any day my friend to stick a ref shirt on an come stand by the side of me an see if you can hack it.... You may even get to come ref the World Cup finals in the sunny USA......

An my name is Gilly come for a chat anytime.......:D