seems a bit ott. i remember last year ya just had to turn some pipelines on the day for winning but this year u gotta spend almost 2 months before the game itself (a 1 day game) searching the warped website for codes...
im glad im reffin or i would b caught up in all this. and u say u have a special ops team sortin ur codes and how to get them to the stations?
i duno if u wanna sit back and re-read that cause to me it sounds a little bit sad. i know big game is an amazing day of paintball and very rare for such a sized game in the UK but come on...
im glad im reffin or i would b caught up in all this. and u say u have a special ops team sortin ur codes and how to get them to the stations?
i duno if u wanna sit back and re-read that cause to me it sounds a little bit sad. i know big game is an amazing day of paintball and very rare for such a sized game in the UK but come on...