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Dragons lair essex woodsball tourney results!

ok guys it was the last tourney of the year at dragons lair yesterday! it was a blinding day and my first time playing with total chaos. met a whole load of great guys there and there were some of the funniest events ever (like me tripping over my own foot and smashing my hopper to bits on a bunker!!:eek: )

once again a big thanks to ray snr, ray jnr, jean, kelsey, mick, jim doug and all the other marshalls for hosting yet another blinding event.

1st place: No Exit
2nd place: Fatboys fusion
3rd place: Total Chaos

Overall throught the whole year: the Redskins

it was a great day, thanks to all the teams that showed up and i look forward to playing you all again next year! happy xmas and new year all



Fatbobs Fusion made the 500 mile round trip to take 2nd place;)

1st time we have been at dragons lair and what a great day it was,to all the teams we played and all the marshals,Ray and family you made us feel very welcome even though we couldn,t understand a word you all said.

thanks again from Fatbobs Fusion

there we go all fixed see thats the problem with not sleeping b4 a tourney! :p
apologies guys all better now! was a great day and im glad you had a good time! sleeping in the nuclear bunker must have been spooky! but it was great to have you guys there hopefully you will be back again next year for another tourney!


Aug 4, 2002
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dam good day well done lads see u again cheers if i can walk that is running up field 1 was dam hard im suffering now but then thats the price 2 pay for coming 1st lol happy xmas see u next year

well done redskins overall winners u can pay us not to come next year if u wont to lo lol lol:eek: