actually, unfortuanately not. If someone hurt themselves on your property who was in your team, then they would be well within their rights to sue the f*ck out of you.
No problem unless one of your team mates get injured badly and decides to sue!Our training Facility has a fitness center and a swimming pool at the other side
It's a Private property owned by one of the teammates only for our team. So I think we won't have any problem with insurance or risk assessment
workersNo problem unless one of your team mates get injured badly and decides to sue!
For your sake, you should either look into insurance or make sure they sign waivers so they take responsibility for an injuries they pick up.
edit - read the thread to the end next time bloody students
yeah we are doing the same thing man but just gte the run around were ever we go.Please PM me how this goes on. Wev'e recieved feeback that our local centre won't be able to facilitate us so are now looking into Scout groups. I would just like to know the approach you have taken.