hello, sounded like it was alot of fun, will you be opening again because i would be up for coming down next time its open.
We train there nearly every weekend over the winter. Saturday was an open session, by invite, to let some players see how we run and how reball can work. I think another team will be using reball very soon as a result of it.
I hope we will be holding another in the new year, although, as it is run as a team training session places will be limited to about four or five individuals. We don't really want to get whole teams down, as we are just trying to get people interested.
As a side note, we are looking for one or two players to join the team for 2007, playing division 1 P.A. (xball) and at least 2 Millenniums. Anyone interested must have experience and be prepared to train most weekends. But the rewards are good, with a good sponsorship package for 2007