I know a good few people that sell jerserys to make money, and I think that is why the pro guys don't give them away to just anyone anymore. Any jersery I have gotten for free, dynasty, all american, philly, miami effect (last year they played) I have either gave to younger kids at our home feild (its funny to see the suprise in their eyes), or donated it to a charity cause. At the Boston NPPL 06 me and a teammate got everyone from Dynasty to sign a jersery and we then auctioned it off at a year end tourney to give the money to a fellow paintballer who had been in a bad car accident and was unable to work because of it that jersey itself got like 400 dollars. I think that when things like that are done it shows that paintball is a community and not just a bunch of people out to make a few dollars to buy their next case of paint.