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5 man woodland event - 12th November - Brentwood, Essex


UK Redskins
Oct 31, 2003
Essex, UK
Just a heads up on this event....

Played it last time and was an awesome day going back into the woods.

Don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy the buzz of Sup-Air but this was a breath of fresh air.

For example, if you paly 8 games in a day of Sup-Air, how much paintball are you actually playing??? I'd hazard a guess that most games are over in approx 3-4 minutes nowadays. Lets say you get pegged on the break in at least 2 of those eight games. Even if you last until the end of all the others, that's only a total playing time of approx 18-24 minutes of ACTUAL playing time.

At the last event, I played more paintball in 2-3 games than I have all day at a Sup-Air event.

Now I'm not condeming Sup-Air, I really do enjoy it, but it's just nice to go back to the woods for a change....

To book in or for any questions, call Ray or Jean on 01708 765036 or 07703 530189.

brentwood renegades

hey all fingers crossed of the rest of the team get thier asses in gear we are gonna be entering! we know we are gonna get our asses handed to us coz were only a new team but hey it should be a good laugh and plus tourney experience is all good! gotta start somewhere! the tourney is being held at dragons lair paintball which is by the secret nuclear bunker in kelvedon hatch! just follow the signs for the secret nuclear bunker lol!