Its probably on the same level as my useless animal facts, although not in the same category. Both suitable for beer talk though, just not at the same time nor in the same situation.
By the way, contrary to popular belief, a ducks quack DOES actually echo.
"Stop! Stop! If you interrupt the mating dance the male will become enraged and maul us with his fearsome gonad!"
"Oh, they say madness runs in our family. Some even call me mad. And why? Because I dared to dream of my own race of atomic monsters, atomic supermen with octagonal shaped bodies that suck blood..."
titbit for ya:
the guy who did the voice of Zap brannagan in furturama, and Troy Mclure in simpsons are, sorry were, the same guy. until his wife shot him in '98 before killing herself.
All hail zoidberg !! woot woot woot woot... and so on.
no it's not and yes they have.
for a while they used 'old' voice recordings, but for futururama they had the guy i think who does Fry, that could mimmick it extremely well.
He was well cool was Zap,
"kif, bring me my pants"