Ok time for the press release there is going to be a monthly add on to the Ionman event ! The event will be run on a monthly bases and at the end of the year there will be prize money. The prize money will be as follows £750 for first place £350 for second and £200 for third place. (if more teams enter this will increase)
The entrance is going to be £20 a head or £15 if you have UKPSF membership ! (bar the 3 Ionman main events). This will not be a bring your own event but paintballs will be between £2 a hundred. !
If you want air it will cost £3 for the day and fills up to 3000 psi . If you want to bring your own air you must have UKPSF insurance !
So basically UKPSF £15 - £18 if you want air or not
non members £20 - £23 if want air or not etc.
There will be a novice section as well and if you want to hire kit you can do on the day for £5 for standard kit with an Inferno or upgraded kit inc an Ion £12 / head.
Also it gets better every session there will be a prize for the winning teams. For example one month it might be a set of Masks next it might be ammo packs etc.
The event is going to be set up to give as much back to you as a player as we can ! The more teams and people involved the better the prizes. We will also start raffles for goods of more valve if the teams enter.
We want players back in the woods and will do everything we can to make this event fun, friendly as well as adding a touch of competion to the event !
The first event is planned for March 2007 and the list of dates will appear here shortly. The main Ionman Events will be seperate from the monthly event and they will not count for the monthly score points.
Because some teams may enter late there will be a standard score system for late comers up to half way throught the session. Each team will also get one void game where they can claim points for a no show. We understand some months people might have holidays etc making it hard to field a team.
So don't forget to check out the Ionman events as well
Any questions please post up here and I will try to answer as best as I can !!!
These events will be held in Newcastle and run over 7 events and will be 5 man teams.
The games will be a complete mixture of woodland games and not just straight grab the flags (although there will be some)
18th March 2007
15th April 2007 big Ionman event
13th May 2007
17th June 2007
15th July 2007 big Ionman event
12th August 2007
16th Sept big Ionman event
14th Oct 2007
11th November 2007
16th December 2007 price day !
Post any questions guys please !