Good point.
Shall be interesting to see how NPPL handles OC. I know several players listed on those Pro rosters who not only didn't play San Diego with the team they're rostered for, but have no plans on playing OC with those teams either...Booya has already pointed it out...but the ones I'm speaking of played semi-pro in SD, and plan on doing it again in OC.
I don't know anything for sure Jeff but you are already well aware that details such as those mentioned ain't really gonna be that high on anybody's agenda when so much is going on (and needs to go on) in the background.If you know about it already, do you plan on telling anyone so they can maybe try to work the issue prior to the event?
But isn't that always true this time of year?All I will say is this; the next few months is gonna prove crucial to the direction paintball takes in the US for the next five years and I suppose we can also infer that European paintball will also be affected but not to the same degree because all we will do is tag on behind whatever's over there ..