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Smartparts TV

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
Just watched it.

The whole torrent thing is just a download method and really not that difficult to research or use (as suggested, just download Bitlord and use the link above to start the torrent download). The file is something like 850 megs and is avi.

I enjoyed watching the show, look foward to the episodes featuring the likes of Dynasty, XSV and the Legion, and keep fingers crossed that as the series progresses, the ratings rocket. It's pretty good stuff, but as already suggested, only time will tell.......


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Just watched it in it's entirety after downloading the torrent.

I have to admit, I'm impressed. I found it very watchable and entertaining. The camera work was good, editing did the job of making stuff interesting and the commentary from Matty was spot on. The use of semi only really seemed to open up movement on the field and kept play moving.

I showed some to my mum and she really enjoyed it. Giving particular credit to the commentary and how it managed to convey on field action in a manner that was neither patronising or over the head's of newbies. My girlfriend is interested in seeing it so i should be able to get her opinion tomorrow

A few quibbles I do have though, many have already been mentioned.
= A crowd is needed, a bit more atmosphere would add to the event and give it some legitimate credibility
= I do understand the reasons why it was shot inside but the acoustics sucked and it didn't have much vibe. Someone mentioned that it does look like the Gardeners dragged a load of pros into their basement. What's the point pimping the location when the same could have been done in a TV studio or my old school sports hall?
= Some wider camera angles occasionally to allow the audience to get a better picture as players make runs.
= The scoreboard girls were cute but it just looked cheap and nasty. NXL style scoreboard would be nicer, although more expensive and less boobies.
= The band..... Who?? No point really unless they are well known (endorsement) or there is a crowd when atmosphere needs to be maintained between points.

Yeah it was a bit of a Smart Parts info-mercial but nowhere near as bad as the the last ESPN/NXL shambles. I don't think the Shocker name was mentioned once and the ego was well featured in the little insert about the markers. If SP has the balls to throw money behind this 'experiment' then kudos to them if it works and they deserve the lions share of the lime-light.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Just finished watching it. Probably the most watchable version of paintball I've seen, barring maybe the 3 man footage I saw a few months ago (can't remember the league name sorry).

Same complaints as everyone else I think.

- No crowd, bit of a lack of atmosphere resulting.
- Billy Gardner I found a really dull comentator, Matty at least talks in an excited tone!!
- Why spend loads on nice graphics and intros and use a scoreboard that looks that bad :)
- If your gonna exploit women exploit women of the calibur someone like the UFC uses!! ;)

Liked the between point field diagrams breaking down what had happened in the point.

All in all though potentially a good show. Production values on a lot of it were really good, but just let down a bit by the simple things above.

Hope to see more of it though!! :)


New Member
Jul 7, 2004
Torquay, Devon
Visit site
I think the commentary was spot on. The commentary is easy going and quite simple to follow. The fact that there are no spectators is neither here nor there; the spectator is the viewer! Looked at from fresh eyes, I’d be looking for simple explanations of moves and strategies. The commentators gave us that.

It keeps its simple, highlighting different aspects of the game; easy on the eye; without the complication of detailed game plans and rulings. In my eyes, Smart Parts are trying to make the viewer become more aware and educated in the game, and have gone a fair way in achieving their objectives.

It was very entertaining to watch and only time will tell what kind influence this will have. Jacksonvile sucked BTW