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XBall North vs South Charity Shield


Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2005
East Sussex
This event will be held at D7's 1st and then about 6 months later, held at NQ, this will be a on going event that will test the best of the best from the North and South to see who comes out the victorious ones....

DATE: 26-11-06

Format: XBall Lite

£20 per player entry (£5 goes to a Charity of choice, picked by the winning side)
B.Y.O.P or buy on site from £25 per 2000 (Pre-book Paint please)
5 man, but have as many players as you want for a fast turn around (up to a maximum of 20 players)
!!!Captains can only pick a maximum of 3 players from any one team!!!!!
Best of 9 games to win the Match
15 minute Match time
2 minute turn around time (but with a twist this gets knocked down to 1 min till game start as soon as a player walks on the field ready to go)
Change ends after each game
Millennium CPL Field to be used
Cash Prize for 1st place (25% of the entry fees) after the £5 has been taken out)..but im sure the winning team would like to give this to the charity of choice too...:D )
In the case of a draw, this will be settled by a 1v1 hopper ball game (The Captain will pick a player to play the 1v1 )

As you can see there is only 2 teams North and South:

Also North is classed as Luton upwards....lol....So where ever you live now classes you as a Northerner or Southerner...:D

Starting at 10am for all those travelling down from tup North, play 4 matches in the morning at the minimum 20 games maximum 36, then a hour lunch , followed by another 4 matches in the afternoon finishing approx 1600...

So if you would like to be involved please contact your relevant captain:

SOUTH = Clint Moore on clintmoore@hotmail.co.uk

NORTH = Chris Edwards on cme8947@hotmail.co.uk


Stealth Mode
Apr 24, 2005
North East, UK
Why best of 5? If your playing all day anyways, may as well make them longer matches? Make it a real battle rather than 3 simple points ?


For hire....
Jun 9, 2005
this is gonna be awesome .. by NK ARMY reffin i asume it means the first team can play mark?
Nah dude, im pretty sure he means all of us :( Seeing as we did soooooooo good at the weekend :phaha!

BUT i think you should let us play this one mark.... ;) BUT then... Half of NK are north and the rest south... ;) Interesting...

Spank's N.K #69;)