Josh dont take this the wrong way but you be better of using the money for training, having a nice anno job on your marker is not going to make you a better player, but using the money for training will.
HAHAHA, That was good
Emo Kid's giving it all then the nerd pounding his face in...
you know what, i was wrong.
let's all be gay starwar's nerds with pink lady anno ego's
If pooboy can shoot as well as he can talk S***E we all better be worried!!
With his EgoshockerpinketekDm5/6 yada yada and anything else he decides he thinks he wants.............bored of him now
Still waiting for you down @ Southampton walk on..................
Anyway pooboyx, i recomend following the above suggestions and not spending heck knows how much money on an anno job when you can spend it on becoming a better player through training. It's all well and good a middle aged baller with more money than sense getting such an anno-job (more time to get comfortable with their sexuality.. i guess) But when a 14 year old baller with a dubious selling history is mincing around the scene with a pink pistol then eyebrows will be raised as you walk to the dead-box.