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K2 bites the bullet in Reunification Part 96


New Member
Aug 15, 2006
Union is the answer. Therein, however lies the problem. We have a hard time agreeing on anything, let alone unifying. A history of organizing and organized labor has shown that it always takes a strong person to start the union, then galvanize the masses. Who that person will be is a big and difficult question, as the first president of the union will most likely be= demonized, bullied, intimidated, and attacked in virtually every manner possible. If that person can hold his head high and survive all that, andhave the playing populace perservere with him, paintball players will have a powerful and influential voice. If that happens, the players will finally have a say- and they should. The voice of the players should be as loud and as powerful as that of the promoters and manufacturers.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
..... The voice of the players should be as loud and as powerful as that of the promoters and manufacturers.
Sphere, that is true 'La La Land' talk mate, the word 'should' gives the game away I am afraid as I can use it when I declare, there should be no wars, there should be no famine........

The world is full of 'shoulds'.....

And the requirement of virtues this guy should have to hold such a position are the very requirements those other parties wouldn't tolerate and is therefore a non-starter.


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Jan 31, 2005
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There was a union. It was called NPPL.

A Union won't work, because the people who would be in the Union are the very same people who are already running the leagues. The teams live and die by industry sponsorship, and as long as that's the case, it's the indusry that pulls the team's strings, and it's the industry that has us in this mess in the first place.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Still at it, eh, kids? Glad to see it.
Nice to see some thinking going on out there followed by some posting. I won't post my "answer" to the current situation--another entirely shameless plug--as it will be appearing in a PGI near you soon as Beaks puts it in there.
However, at this point the Magic 8-ball would say "try again" to the likelihood of reunification for 07. Ain't gonna happen even tho there are some forces pushing that way others will continue to resist.
Expect same as this year just with a different TV prospect looming in the background or on the horizon--depending on your pov. (Unless of course everyone comes to their collective senses and does what I suggest.;) )

Btw, SPWC start on ESPN October 6th. I've seen half of the first show and it looked good excepting my large ugly melon on screen a couple of time. One of the first things you see is that you can actually see what's happening, paint in the air, where it's going, players getting hit and editing that makes sense of the action. All in all, pretty good and the first episode is also the first match taped so it should get better as the crews learned more about the game and the way it played out.


New Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Btw, SPWC start on ESPN October 6th. I've seen half of the first show and it looked good excepting my large ugly melon on screen a couple of time. One of the first things you see is that you can actually see what's happening, paint in the air, where it's going, players getting hit and editing that makes sense of the action. All in all, pretty good and the first episode is also the first match taped so it should get better as the crews learned more about the game and the way it played out.
So the big boys figured out cameras belong in front of/behind players, and not to the side of them, eh?