Robbo- You can safely scratch SD off the list. I love the fact that you are bolloxed; I always enjoy inducing the use of a language nuance not commmonly found stateside. I may miss a few of the deepest circle discussions within the industry, but let's just say I can put enough pieces together to get the picture for all the things I don't hear or know directly. Thank you for calling me eloquent, intelligent and knowledgeable-you just may make me blush should you keep up such complements You may get a limitation of content, maybe, but never a limitation of style. Here's a tiny clue for you: I not well know, but I am known. Secondly, we've met once before, and were introduced by a man who supposedly fainted in your presence when confronted by you for misdeeds years ago, in the early days.
Hmmm, well there has only been one guy who has fainted when I confronted him for his 'misdeeds' and so I have his identity pretty much squared away..hmm mmmmm.. I think however that you must work for the same employer as he which surprisingly leaves me even more bolloxed