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Berserks & Tigers AM in Div 2????


Feb 11, 2005
On The South Coast Baby
So how about this one?

We´re in no position of pushing anyone out from div. 2 - it is not being locked after this season, only after next season! :)
I agree with this, i did not know Div 2 was not being locked after ths year

It would be almost the same as saying it was unfair that Dynasty came over for the Madrid-event (seeing it is their only event this year in div. 1) - since they placed in the top, they have effectively "stolen" som points from for instanse Enemy or Dagnir Dae which makes it harder for them to make the top-2 which means CPL next year?!
Slightly different as this was the only Div they could play as they held no CPL spot and they did not drop a Millennium Div to play it. New competition entering Divs which is/ should be allowed.

Oh dear god - really didn´t expect a discussion like this - we followed the rules and therefor expected no fuss what so ever about us playing the last event in div. 2? We are just hoping to get an event better than the previous ones this year, which means a positive end to a season that really hasn´t that good for us! :)
Fair enough. As i said in my original post i undestand why your team has done this but i agree with Robbo :) that this should not be allowed when it suits a team.


Active Member
FB / Twizz, I think everybody (with any sence or knowledge of PB) sympathises with your posision, I dont think anyone, including HH is trying to have a dig at Beserks or Tigers Am, But it has highlighted an anomality in the rules which many people find a little odd. But then odd rules in the MS is hardly a new experiance for anyone :rolleyes: Good luck to you both at CC and at least if gives zone some competiton for last place :p ;) :eek:

Twizz ECI

London Tigers 2
Jan 8, 2003
I would like to thank everyone who has sent there best wish's to my wife, and even though she goes in to hospital on thursday for 5 days i do hope to see you all there at some point.
a And to Freddie and Tigers this thread was not set out to offend you but it was just the rules that are a bit strange, and good luck to you both!!!!!


Jul 22, 2002
No ofence has been taken mate and i think you all have a point but as there is no way the mc can make a team enter all 5 events then there is no proper league.
At the start of the season we had 2 tigers am teams on 1 for mill 1 for uk we now only have 1 squad of 95%uk team players so as said before we could have entered div 3 if we had wanted under any name we liked this we think would have been unfair so have kept the tigers name witch means alot to all of us .
I think div 1 is locked at some thing like 29 teams so droping down for this event dose not efect any one .But i thik this will be stoped next year then all that will happen is the teams at the bottom will just miss the last event and use the cash to train for the following year..
Hope to see you freddie at cc so people can through stuff at us together


Feb 11, 2005
On The South Coast Baby
Sheriff, it shall only be paint chucked im sure.

I dont think anyone (me included) has a problem with either team but it does shed more cunfusion to the Millenniums idea of thinking.;)

Freddie Brockdorff

Olva the Berserker
Aug 22, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark
I KNOW it wasn´t anything personal against us, I just really felt the need to explain on behalf of the team what our concerns and thoughts about this was.

No offence taken - see you all tomorrow! It´s gonna be great - well besides the weather someone tells me, oy oy oy..... ;)