For those that don't know us, We are 'The League', a team from the north of Essex in an area called Tendring. This is our first season and have predominantly been playing the NSPL. However we have also competed in two Dartford X-Ball Lite Tournaments at D7's, in which we picked up 2nd place in one and 1st place in the other. Our local site is Paintball Extreme, Colchester, Run by Chuck (Ex-Jags Captain).
Our squad currently consists of about 11 active players of varying skill levels, as well as taking on a variety of guests occaisionally.
We originally had a website detailing who we were and what we did, but i wanted to upgrade to one that allowed the other players on my team to update it with news, events, and any other information possible easily...
This was the Result:
I would love to hear your comments/feedback/enquiries etc. which is why i made this thread other than to shamelessly plug our paintball team, and its spangly new website.
Thanks Very Much...
Paul Macey
The League
For those that don't know us, We are 'The League', a team from the north of Essex in an area called Tendring. This is our first season and have predominantly been playing the NSPL. However we have also competed in two Dartford X-Ball Lite Tournaments at D7's, in which we picked up 2nd place in one and 1st place in the other. Our local site is Paintball Extreme, Colchester, Run by Chuck (Ex-Jags Captain).
Our squad currently consists of about 11 active players of varying skill levels, as well as taking on a variety of guests occaisionally.
We originally had a website detailing who we were and what we did, but i wanted to upgrade to one that allowed the other players on my team to update it with news, events, and any other information possible easily...
This was the Result:
I would love to hear your comments/feedback/enquiries etc. which is why i made this thread other than to shamelessly plug our paintball team, and its spangly new website.
Thanks Very Much...
Paul Macey
The League