Oh I know that its just I want recognition for woods( NOT playing army I wear digi cammo because it works I havnt had on escenario marker just the A-5 i started with then its been Timmys,Angels X mag so its hardly playing army).
It seems every time all peopel think about woods is playing armywhen thats just not the case, that is mil sim agmes that can be played out of the woods.
I am happy with progress through SPPL genesis ect but I do want more public recognition because we get NONE! I want a small slice of the media pie for my chosen sport.
I play woodsball,not scenario( well stargaate ) and defiantyl not mil sim games. Soon to be playing sup air aswell,but this all ready has all th epublicity so Iam not bothered.
p.s.I wasnt arguing woods was better ,just equil.
You make a true point though, any publicity for paintball in general is good , I just wish some of it came our way for once.
It seems every time all peopel think about woods is playing armywhen thats just not the case, that is mil sim agmes that can be played out of the woods.
I am happy with progress through SPPL genesis ect but I do want more public recognition because we get NONE! I want a small slice of the media pie for my chosen sport.
I play woodsball,not scenario( well stargaate ) and defiantyl not mil sim games. Soon to be playing sup air aswell,but this all ready has all th epublicity so Iam not bothered.
p.s.I wasnt arguing woods was better ,just equil.
You make a true point though, any publicity for paintball in general is good , I just wish some of it came our way for once.