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**Winner Announced**Competition....FREE ENTRY TO THE FORUM BATTLE!


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
Ok guys n gals.

Thanks for everyone who suggested slogans.

There is 1 winner of the free entry but there are others ive picked to appear on various things. Below will be the post mentioned and what it will appear on :D

The overall winner and who has recieved the main prize which consists of :

Free entry to the forum battle
Free FB hoody
Free FB flyer signed by me and markie (which obvioulsy makes it the best prize :p )
Free FB T-shirt

and the winner is.................................................(drum roll)..........................EASTIE with put your marker where your mouth is http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/showpost.php?p=683842&postcount=55

Well done mate :D You'll get your stuff on the day :D

as for the other ones i liked ;)


Well done sid, it will be appearing on the website and also a FB tshirt with your slogan will be on its way to you


Nice on fish, will also be on the website and a t-shirt for yourself


How could i miss that 1 out (its the first suggestions), well done oppy, website and t shirt for you :D


...the piggy one :p T-shirt and on the website for you lemon, may even make you wear it on the day :p

....and last but not least


Lump, that made me smile for a good 27seconds ;) Tshirt and on the website for you, also i may even wear it on mine too :p

Tshirts will be available to buy, so if you liked anyone else's or think that yours is that good then please pm me

For the winners please pm me with your sizes that you would like the tshirt to be in

Thanks again guys


(see you there)