Thank you! I’m aware of the large import costs unfortunately, but I’m worried about customs seizing it or sending it back to the seller!
The only likely non financial customs issue would most likely be something looking more realistic such as magfed.
Legal to have here, but they could be looked at as RIFs under the VCRA
The UKPSF raised the question of potential paintball RIFs to the Home Office - it can go two ways:
1)They are low powered air weapons, and therefore firearms not imitations, which have the frangible get out clause.
If taken that way there is no problem with customs
2)They are considered RIFs. We don’t have a scheme such as the UKARA to document valid use (for airsoft it’s skirmishing)
The Home Office said that UKPSF player membership may qualify to document a VCRA Defence for paintball
If you get a customs letter asking about RIFs and a defence (they may not even open to inspect before sending a letter)
I did get a similar letter many years ago importing airsoft grenade launchers & shells shortly after the act came into force.
I stated that they were not RIFs, but also gave my reason for importing for scenario paintball events and gave my UKPSF details. I managed to get them in.